Here are a few candids from our fabulous Premiere at the Directors’ Guild Theatre in Los Angeles on October 3rd. More video and pix to come!
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JB Spins’ Review
October 8, 2012 J.B. Spins Review – by Joe Bendel
Excerpts include…
“Informative and remarkably even-handed, A Whisper to a Roar is a very watchable status report on the state of undemocratic democracy.”
“While Roar obviously has an agenda, it is one just about all people of good conscience will buy into.”

World Premiere October 3rd!
On Wednesday, October 3rd, 600 guests gathered at the Los Angeles Directors’ Guild Theatre for the World Premiere of “A Whisper to a Roar.”
The evening started at 6:00 pm, with guests watching the Presidential Debate on a big screen TV and in the main theatre while enjoying delicious cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. When the Debate was over, the reception began, with plenty of time for photos and interviews before everyone headed into the main theatre where Emcee Mary Hart (who, along with her husband, Burt Sugarman, hosted the event) introduced the evening’s other hosts: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villagaigosa (by video, as he had to be in Denver for the Debate!), Human Rights Foundation‘s Thor Halvorssen and the Museum of Tolerance‘s Rabbi Marvin Hier.
Opening Remarks were then made by Prince Moulay Hicham Ben Abdallah of Morocco, the film’s benefactor, and the documentary was screened.
The evening culminated with a lively Q&A moderated by Mary Hart. The panel was made up of Prince Moulay Hicham, Writer/Producer Director Ben Moses, Stanford University’s Larry Diamond (whose lifework and writings inspired the film) and Ukrainian Parliament Member Andriy Shevchenko, who was featured in the film.
The entire film team is eternally grateful to the generosity of the evening’s hosts, without whom such a special evening would not have been possible.
New Hamphire Film Festival Announced!
A Whisper to a Roar is excited to announce that we are an official selection of the New Hampshire Film Festival! We will be screening on Saturday, October 13, 12:30 PM at The Loft!
Daily Variety Review
October 12, 2012 Daily Variety review by Ronnie Scheib
“”A Whisper to a Roar” traces a too-familiar step-by-step political pattern: the transformation of a liberator into a despot, his subsequent reign of tyranny and the popular uprising against it. Using examples from Malaysia, the Ukraine, Egypt, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, helmer Ben Moses discovers enough similarities to validate this formula and enough differences to avoid repetition.”
Listing in LA Times “Fall Sneak List”
It’s coming! “A Whisper to a Roar” listed in the LA Times “Fall Sneak List” for its Oct 19th opening at Laemmle NoHo 7!
Official Selection at Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival
“A Whisper to a Roar” will be appearing as an Official Selection at the Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival, which runs from October 10 – 14, 2012 in Flagstaff, AZ!
First listing in New York Times!
Listing in the New York Times! Theatrical opening is coming in NYC on October 12th!
Excerpt screened at Ronald Reagan Library
Great write-up of the June 5th conference on “Democracy in the World 30 Years After” (President Reagan’s Westminster Address) held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library! Screening of excerpt from “A Whisper to a Roar” is mentioned! Check out the photo album for pix of Larry Diamond and the film’s Myroslava Gongadze.